1 Grimes - Art Angels
An easy choice for number one. So far ahead of everything else on this list.
My most anticipated album of the year managed to exceed my high expectations.
The moment Grimes released the ‘demo’ of Realiti in March calling it a throwaway mix from a discarded album I knew. We all knew even if Claire didn’t at the time. Realiti was the public launch point for what would become Art Angels.
6 months later a new, equally incredible version featured on the album. Remarkably there were 13 other tracks of equal magnificence.
I’ve seen some people talk of their disappointment in the album in that it doesn’t compare with the experimental nature of ‘Visions’ and sounds too much like other artists. Pish. Art Angels doesn’t sound like anyone else to me. It’s the album Grimes has been destined to make.
NME’s godawful year had a redemption when they awarded it album of the year saying :
'Art Angels' was not so much the sound of an artist trying to fit into the pop landscape as one trying to shape it in their own image. The best album of the year, from the most exciting artist of a generation.
It was Stereogum’s album of the year too and they nailed it with this:
if you don’t think it’ll be here 20 years from now, you’re wrong. By then, it’ll be seen as a blueprint, early evidence of a new paradigm: experimentalism as populism; processed synthetic sound as raw human emotion; studio-genius auteur as universal pop star; singular as plural; future as present. In 2035, Art Angels will sound just as good as it did in 2015. And in 2015, nothing sounded better than Art Angels.
Some guest vocals aside, in all areas of significance this is the complete work of one person from all instruments to production, engineering and artwork. Oh, and the videos. She does them too.
This century’s most extraordinary artist.
I love this album so much.